1. What is marriage and why do you want to get married?
2. What are your marital expectations?
3. What are some things that you don’t like about each other?
4. How would you define sacrifice in marriage
5. What are some things that you foresee as being a potential problem in your marriage?
6. How would you grade the communication in your
relationship? (On a scale of 1-10) 10 = great 0 = terrible
7. Who should make the final decision on important matters?
8. How do you resolve conflict in your relationship?
9. Who handles money the best?
10. If it applies - How do you feel about the age difference?
11. How do you feel about having friends of the opposite sex?
12. Do you see him/her as being stable?
a) Spiritually
b) Emotionally
c) Financially
13. Who is (more) spiritually mature?
14. What’s your religion, faith, beliefs and the role it plays in
your life and potential marriage?
From the heart and hand of Pastor Reginald Reaves
