Choosing a person to marry should be approached with prayerful consideration. If you are a believer in the Lord seeking to live for Him, you must not use worldly criteria to decide who to spend the rest of your life with.
How many truly consider the spiritual aspect of what they can do (together) to make a difference for Christ? If you choose someone solely on looks, materialism or carnal things, you're forfeiting your true destiny, settling for temporary convenience or pleasure.
A true "power couple" is not the A list celebrities in entertainment; but a real POWER couple are the husbands and wives that God has brought together to serve His eternal purpose and plan. Could it be, that "one" of the reasons for the failure of marriages is because the premise for coming together was built on a crumbling foundation to start with!
Our churches have to do a better job at helping people to understand God's design for the institution of marriage as He intended it to be; equipping them through pre-marital training that is focused on the concept of a shared destiny and finding fulfillment in joint ministry together. Also to help them see marriage as a means to discover the love of God being expressed through a living, tangible person.
Yes, marriage should be about allowing God's amazing love to flow through you, to your spouse. In order to love like that, we need to grow and mature in our relationship with Him to really be able to love unconditionally and faithfully.
Never choose someone to be with out of loneliness, desperation, frustration or to help to distance yourself from past relationships. Ask for God's help to become "whole" and content, satisfied and at peace by yourself so that you don't place a burden on a person to make you happy. Then, when in God's timing, He brings that special person that He has prepared into your life, you'll be an answer to their prayers; and together you will live in His grace and love, fulfilling your destiny.
From the heart and hand of Pastor Reginald Reaves
